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Professor Bennett Yim

Chairman, Board of Advisors of HKU Academy for the Talented Scheme, Director of Undergraduate Admissions, 

The Unviersity of Hong Kong 


Professor Bennett Yim is Professor in Marketing, Director of Undergraduate Admissions and International Student Exchange and Associate Director of the Contemporary Marketing Centre at the Faculty of Business and Economics, The University of Hong Kong. He received his BBA in Marketing from the Chinese University of Hong Kong and his Ph.D. in Management (Marketing and Econometric) from the Krannert Graduate School of Management, Purdue University.


He has over 20 years of experience teaching in undergraduate, MBA and Executive Development programs at The University of Hong Kong, Thunderbird School of Global Management, Rice University, and Purdue University. He has received multiple teaching awards that include:


  • Top 10% Best Teacher of Undergraduate Courses, FBE  2017-2018

  • IMBA Teaching Award, The University of Hong Kong and Fudan University 2010-2011

  • University Outstanding Teacher Award, The University of Hong Kong 2010

  • Undergraduate Teaching Award, Faculty of Business & Economics 2005-2006

  • Best MBA Teacher (Honorable Mention), Faculty of Business & Economics 1999-2000

  • Award for Excellence in Teaching, Jones Graduate School, Rice University 1992-1993


Prof. Yim has diverse research interests spanning the areas of services marketing and management, marketing strategy and China marketing, and consumer brand choice and purchase behavior modeling.  His research publications have appeared in premier journals such as the Journal of Marketing, Journal of Marketing Research, Marketing Science, Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of Service Research, amongst others.  He is widely recognized for his work assessing consumer price and promotion expectations, developing breakthrough innovations, strengthening customer loyalty, and managing customer participation in services.  His research has received multiple research awards that include:


  • 2011 Award for the Best Services Marketing Article Published in 2010, AMA Services Marketing Special Interest Group (with Kimmy Chan and Simon Lam)

  • University Research Output Prize 2008-2009, University of Hong Kong (with Kimmy Chan and David Tse)

  • 2007 AMA Summer Marketing Educators’ Conference, Best Paper Award, Services Track (with Kimmy Chan and David Tse)

  • University Research Output Prize 2005-2006, University of Hong Kong (with David Tse and Kevin Zhou)

  • Finalist for the 1995 Journal of Marketing Research William F. O'Dell Award (with Manohar Kalwani, Heikki Rinne, and Yoshi Sugita)


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